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I’m an audio storyteller and podcast producer based in Mumbai, India. Curiosity is at the heart of my work.  

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Podcasts & Audio Stories

Below are a few of the shows I've produced. To listen, click on the cover art.


There's one thing I enjoy more than anything else: conversation. Conversations with friends, family, strangers, that reveal something about them to me — their idiosyncrasies, why they make the decisions they make, the defining moments of their life. So, the draw toward audio as a form of communication was only natural. 


In an age of diminishing attention spans, podcasts and audio stories present the ideal medium to deeply engage with an audience. I've been working in this industry since 2021. After producing a few independent productions, I worked as the Lead Producer at a leading podcast network in India and launched over 15 shows over 18 months for platforms like Spotify, Audible, and JioSaavn as well as for independent creators and brands. 


Now, I run a boutique audio production company, where I aim to provide the highest quality of service to help you make a podcast that is impactful and engaging. From building your podcast strategy, to drafting scripts and post-production to hosting your show, I have you covered. Have an idea you want to turn into a podcast? Reach out to me below for a free consult on how we can help you create and launch a show. 



Full-Service Production

Have a podcast idea but you could use some help bringing it to life? Through the full-service suite we produce your show through each step of the production process. From developing your podcast strategy to developing scripts, from assisting you during recordings and launching the show. 



Podcast Consultancy

You know how to execute your podcast but would like a little guidance along the way? Our 1-on-1 consultancy acts like a guide through each step of the process: from how to record to how to publish your episode. We equip you with the tools you need.


Podcast Management

Have an existing podcast but would like to create it without the hassle of all the tedious management? From post-production to hosting and uploading your show, we can help you. We'll also provide analytics data and guide you on the best strategies to grow your show.

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